How are Junior College classes conducted at Eclassopedia



Being a junior college student is one of the toughest things. Because in the 11 and 12th grades there are many things to be studied and done. Even If the students have the option to choose their favourite course, there are vast difficulties inside it. The content for these grades is too heavy and tough. Most of them find it hard to deal with many things. More than that they need to cover all the major and minor topics too. They too will have lab practicals. So for these two years, they undergo a lot of stress and many other things.


Major Solutions to stress

To reduce academic stress and pressure there are many options. The children can engage in various games, activities and trips. But it will not add to their academic marks and contents. Therefore the students need to hunt for other tutoring platforms. There is various home tutors site all over the world. In these, the live tutors online would take classes over a virtual platform. They cover all the major and minor topics under discussion. They explain it to the students and make them understand it thoroughly. The learner with the help of the assigned tutor for students learns at a pace and excels academically. The most attractive fact is that there is no such pressure here at these types of home tutors sites.


How can Eclassopedia help

Eclassopedia too is one of the most excellent online tutoring sites all over the world. They offer one-to-one customized classes to their learners. The tutor students fix the schedule according to the student's interests. They take classes based on the needs of the learner. The types of learners will be different in different environments. It depends upon various factors. It changes from one learner to another. So in a classroom set-up, it is impossible to teach according to the capability of each of them.


At Eclassopedia the India tutor online will help them in various ways. The student can tell their demands to the teacher earlier and thus they can take classes. Or the students can ask for various other help and the tutor will help them academically. The positive thing about this online tutoring here is that the live tutors online will come down to the level of the student. They will enquire about the needs of the student and help them flourish in it.


When it comes to the 11th and 12th grades there are various divisions of courses. The divisions are made based on the combination of courses they choose. There are mainly Biology Science, Computer Science, Commerce, Humanities etc. Based on the further divisions of each class the Eclassopedia tutor will take the class. For example, there will be maths for both biology students and also for Commerce too. So it may vary. So the prescribed tutor will help them get a lot of information too.



Biology Science

Under Biology Science, the major subjects will be Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths. This is one of the toughest streams in the whole curriculum. Most of them find it difficult to cope with this system. But later when the students join Eclassopedia it will become much easier for them. Thus they then easily solve the problems and matters. For example, in Biology, they will have to learn about many theoretical things and diagrams too. But most of them lack background knowledge. When it comes to the case of Physics too there are a lot of problems and equations too. These things seem difficult at the school level. But at the level of online classes, it becomes easier. Because the tutor here helps the tutee learn from very small concepts and things.


Computer Science

Under Computer Science the most significant subjects are Computer, Maths, Physics and Chemistry. These are all difficult. In Computer Science and Technology there are a lot of things to be studied. For example, there are many programming languages to be learned. There are theoretical aspects of it too. The programming paper is very hard to be taught. At Eclassopedia, the tutor offers a wide scope for the children to learn things and study easily. The tutee can easily catch up with the topics too and can turn into excellent and well-versed programmers. In the case of other subjects under this stream, a lot of classes are offered.



The stream of Commerce has now for the past ten years become a vast growing one. Therefore it is very important to study it well. Under Commerce, the main subjects are Accountancy, Business Studies, Economics and Computer or Maths. Some students find it hard because it is a new course only offered on the 11th and 12th in major schools. They have not learned it earlier and therefore they will find it hard.


Our Eclassopedia tutors offer classes for all of these. Accounting is a subject with both problems and theories. The tutors, therefore, use boards to teach the learner. Because there are various steps inside it. Business Studies is full of theories. The tutor helps the learner in a two-fold way here. One is through the academic one. The other one is offering them tips and tricks for conducting business. Economics too is a hard subject to learn. But the tutor here offers various solutions to that too.



Humanities too are one of the most emerging streams all over the world. History, Geography, Civics, Sociology, Economics etc comes under this. The Eclassopedia tutor takes the learner through all the aspects of the subjects. The learner will never find it boring too. In Sociology, the study of society is offered. The learner will get a new perspective about all of these too. History too helps in getting good knowledge. Civics helps the learner to know about the political situation in the past and the present too.


To Conclude

Thus in Eclassopedia the live tutors online help the tutee with various things. The students find it very beneficial too, especially at the junior college level. The tutor for students offers a lot of credible information to the learner too.

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